Mar 24, 2016

How to move emails to a folder

In the last tip we looked at how to change the maximum number of search results. This tip discusses How to move emails to a folder in your mailbox.

Today, we look at how FewClix makes it easy to move emails to a folder.

Let’s assume that you want to move emails with the subject 'Editorial' to the "Editorial" folder. Here is how you can do it:

Step 1 - Type "editorial" in the 'Subject' field

How to check for updates - Screen 1


Step 2 - Right-click on the result(s) displayed and select the 'Move to Folder' option

How to check for updates - Screen 2


Step 3 - Select the "editorial" folder and click "OK"

How to check for updates - Screen 2

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Screen 1 - How to check for updates

Screen 1 - How to check for updates