The One Minute ROI Calculator

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Try our FREE ROI Calculator below to find out how much FewClix can save for your organization.

All fields are mandatory

Number of Outlook Client users

Number of IBM Notes users

Please enter a whole number for number of employees
Pleaes enter a value between 1 and 500000

Average Annual Salary($ per employee per year)

Please enter a whole number for the average salary
Pleaes enter a value greater than 0

% of High Volume Users(Users who receive an average of 30 emails or more per day)

Please enter a valid positive number
Please enter a number between 0 and 100

Estimated time savings per High Volume User per day using FewClix (minutes / day)

Please enter a whole number for minimum savings per employee per Day (Minutes) for HVU
Pleaes enter a value between 1 and 240

Estimated time savings per Low Volume User per day using FewClix (minutes / day)

Please enter a whole number for minimum savings per employee per Day (Minutes) for LVU
Pleaes enter a value between 0 and 240
Your Returns
Total time saved per year (Hours)
Total cost saved per year

Your Cost
Cost of FewClix for Outlook subscription per year * Cost of FewClix for Notes subscription per year *

Payback Period (Days)

* Please note that this is based on the enterprise subscription price of FewClix for users @ / year

* Please note that this is based on the enterprise subscription price of FewClix for users @ / year