Easier and more reliable than ever before!
The ease and reliability of your email searches usually depend on the email volume in your mailbox and how organized you are.
FewClix however enables you to find ANY message regardless of your email volume or your organizational skills, using simultaneous combinations of multiple search options that narrow down hundreds or even thousands of search results to the one that you need, in seconds!
With FewClix you can find emails by combining any of the following search options:
- Sender
- Any Recipient
- Subject
- Message Content
- Date / Date Range
- Message Size Range
- Contains / Does Not Contain Attachments
- Attachment Name
- Attachment Content
- Search All
For example, searching with FewClix is as easy as searching for e-mails that are "from John", "copied to Jack & Jill", "sent in 2013", with a "PDF attachment" and with the word "invoice" in the attachment name.
Instantly isolate emails that require attention!
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