In the last tip we looked at how to make "Only To", "To" and "Cc" fetch you the right results.
This tip is about how to organize "My Searches".
Clicking on "" (Organize "My Searches") icon will open the "Organize" window.
Here are the different options available for My Searches.
1. View
To view a saved My Search, simply click on "" icon. For example you can view "Unread messages in last 7 days" by clicking on the search icon in the same line.
2. Edit
To edit/rename a My Search name simply click on the "" icon. For example you can rename "Josh" to "Josh Barton" by clicking on the edit icon next to the name.
3. Delete
To delete a My Search select the corresponding check box and click on the "Delete" button. You can also select multiple My Searches and delete them. For example you can delete "Josh – Duplicate" by clicking on the check box at the start of the line and clicking on Delete.
4. Search Locator
If you have a large number of My Searches you quickly find a My Search by typing any part of the name in the "Search" text box. For example you can search for "Josh Barton" by entering the name in the text box.
5. Favorite
If you have a large number of My Searches and you frequently used a few, these can be brought at the top of the My Searches list by marking it as a favorite by clicking on the ""(Favorite) icon. For example you can mark "Maya" as a favorite by clicking on the favorite icon. The next time when you open the My Searches "Maya" will be listed at the top.
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