Aug 27, 2015

Have a cool FewClix tip you'd like to share with others?

Been using FewClix regularly to make your life easier? Then you know that our app contains a treasure trove of tips and tricks that help you save a ton of time and effort with your email.

Here are some of these tips and tricks that we call "FewClix 101" and publish every week:

- How can I use FewClix to save mailbox space and stay under my quota?

- How do I find an email when I'm unsure about which exact words it contains?

- How to create a "My Search" which works across all folders

If you have a favourite FewClix tip that hasn't been published here or if you think we missed a cool capability, we would love to hear from you.

To share your tip with us and other FewClix users, please click here or simply send us an email at

Have a question? Ask the FewClix community and get support, tips and more. Click here to join today!

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Step 1 - FewClix to save mailbox space and stay under my quota

Step 2 - FewClix to save mailbox space and stay under my quota